Studies have shown that stress not only contributes to weight gain and weight loss but also causes a process of overeating that can lead to imbalances and spikes within the body. For example, cortisol and insulin are the two most common hormones that can do real damage if left unchecked. These hormones contribute to fat being stored around the mid-section and hips that ultimately produce inflammation, diabetes and heart disease. These are symptoms of stress and should be dealt immediately.
The damaging effects of stress impact weight, hormones, self-confidence, and overall health and should be regarded as highly detrimental if not taken care of properly. Stress is almost like death and taxes, it’s going to happen one way or another. The best part that most people don’t know is that your body has the ability to respond to stress on its own. It was designed that way. The key is giving your body the best chance to do so and often that involves lifestyle changes. We can help you navigate that.
Disease is something that your body knows how to handle, but because of poor lifestyle choices, it can turn into an illness. By applying healthier principles in your life, you will improve how your body naturally responds to stress and restore health and healing to your body.
3 Ways To Help Eliminate Stress
Exercise is an effective way to maximize your response to stress. It will lower cortisol, balance insulin, spike glutathione levels and trigger hormones that make you feel happier and more elated. A misconception is that exercise combats stress or cures it, but that is simply not a true statement. It only helps the body to function at a more efficient and safe level for taking care of stress naturally.
Don’t Panic
When you panic and become anxious, your body goes into overload. If you panic, you’ve already lost the battle, as anyone that suffers from anxiety, panic attacks, asthma or any other stress related condition fully knows too well. The secret is not to add additional mental and emotional stress to any situation, because adding this stress compounds the problem. Find the calming solution that works for you – whether it’s counting slowly backward from 100 or putting yourself in a timeout, identify it and put it to use when you feel your anxiety rising!
Putting Yourself In A Stress-Free Environment
A prime example is taking some time in nature or going for a walk alone. So your body and your mind have time to take in some fresh air. Another example might be to find a quiet place you feel safe and turn everything off and breathe slowly by taking deep breathes until the heart stabilizes and slows down the panic mode it has been put in. This may seem ridiculous, but it is very effective to be able to step away and re-focus your body’s systems. These solutions won’t eliminate stress but they will help your body respond to the stress at the best of your ability.
The post Crack Stress Before It Cracks You appeared first on ChiroPraise.
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